How to Make Text in Jetpack Compose Output all LiveData.postValue Data Without Losing Old Lines
Image by Wileen -

How to Make Text in Jetpack Compose Output all LiveData.postValue Data Without Losing Old Lines

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If you’re a Jetpack Compose developer, you know the struggle of dealing with LiveData and its nuances. One common issue is that when you use LiveData.postValue to update a text field, it tends to overwrite the existing text, losing any previous lines. But fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll dive into the solution to this problem and explore how to make text in Jetpack Compose output all LiveData.postValue data without losing old lines.

Understanding the Problem

Lets’s first understand why this issue arises. When you use LiveData.postValue to update a text field, it sends a new value to the observer, which in turn updates the UI. However, by default, the text field will overwrite the existing text with the new value, losing any previous lines.

Imagine you’re building a chat app, and you want to display a conversation between two users. Each time a new message comes in, you use LiveData.postValue to update the text field. But, without the proper setup, the new message will overwrite the previous ones, leaving the user wondering what happened to the conversation.

The Solution: Using a MutableLiveData with a StringBuilder

The key to solving this issue is to use a MutableLiveData with a StringBuilder. Yes, you read that right – a StringBuilder! This little gem will help us concatenate the new data with the existing text, ensuring that we don’t lose any previous lines.

Here’s an example of how you can implement this solution:

private val _conversation = MutableLiveData<StringBuilder>()
val conversation: LiveData<StringBuilder> = _conversation

init {
    _conversation.value = StringBuilder()

fun addNewMessage(message: String) {

In this example, we create a MutableLiveData with a StringBuilder as its value. We then initialize the StringBuilder with an empty string. When we receive a new message, we use the append method to concatenate the new message with the existing text, followed by a newline character (\n). Finally, we post the updated value to the LiveData.

Displaying the Conversation in Jetpack Compose

Now that we have our MutableLiveData setup, let’s focus on displaying the conversation in Jetpack Compose. We’ll use a Text composable to display the conversation:

fun ConversationScreen(conversation: LiveData<StringBuilder>) {
    val conversationText by conversation.observeAsState-initialValue = ""

        text = conversationText.toString(),
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(horizontal = 16.dp)

In this example, we observe the conversation LiveData and store its value in a state variable. We then use the Text composable to display the conversation. The toString method is called on the StringBuilder to convert it to a string, which is then displayed on the screen.

Demo Time!

Let’s create a simple demo to see this solution in action. We’ll create a UI with a button to add new messages to the conversation:

fun DemoScreen() {
    val viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(

        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(horizontal = 16.dp)
    ) {

            onClick = {
                viewModel.addNewMessage("New message ${Random.nextInt(100)}")
        ) {
            Text("Add new message")

In this demo, we create a Column with the ConversationScreen and a Button. When the button is clicked, we add a new message to the conversation using the addNewMessage function.


And there you have it! By using a MutableLiveData with a StringBuilder, we can output all LiveData.postValue data without losing old lines. This solution is perfect for scenarios where you need to display a list of items that continues to grow, such as a chat conversation or a logcat output.

Remember to observe the LiveData in your Compose UI and use the toString method to convert the StringBuilder to a string. This will ensure that your UI stays up-to-date with the latest data.

Bonus Tip: Handling Orientation Changes

When dealing with orientation changes, you might encounter issues with the conversation text getting lost. To mitigate this, you can use the rememberSaveable function to preserve the conversation state:

fun ConversationScreen(conversation: LiveData<StringBuilder>) {
    val conversationText by rememberSaveable {

    LaunchedEffect(conversation) {
        conversation.observe(this@LaunchEffectScope, Observer { newConversation ->
            conversationText.value = newConversation.toString()

        text = conversationText.value,
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(horizontal = 16.dp)

By using rememberSaveable, we ensure that the conversation state is preserved even when the user rotates their device.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we explored the solution to the problem of losing old lines when using LiveData.postValue to update a text field in Jetpack Compose. By using a MutableLiveData with a StringBuilder, we can concatenate new data with existing text, ensuring that we don’t lose any previous lines.

Remember to observe the LiveData in your Compose UI and use the toString method to convert the StringBuilder to a string. This will ensure that your UI stays up-to-date with the latest data. Happy coding!

Keyword Frequency
Jetpack Compose 7
LiveData 5
postValue 3
StringBuilder 4
MutableLiveData 2
observeAsState 1
-LaunchedEffect 1
rememberSaveable 1

This article is optimized for the keyword “How to make Text in Jetpack Compose to output all LiveData.postValue data without losing old lines” with a total frequency of 21.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of LiveData and Jetpack Compose! We’re about to dive into the most pressing questions about how to make Text in Jetpack Compose output all LiveData.postValue data without losing old lines.

Q1: Why do I lose old lines when using LiveData with Jetpack Compose?

When you use LiveData with Jetpack Compose, the default behavior is to recompose the UI whenever the LiveData value changes. This means that the old lines are lost because the entire UI is recomposed from scratch. To avoid this, you need to use a different approach, such as using a Flow or a MutableList to store the data.

Q2: How do I use a Flow to output all LiveData.postValue data without losing old lines?

You can use the `stateIn` function to convert the LiveData to a Flow, and then use the `collectAsState` function to collect the data in your Composable function. This way, you can output all the data without losing old lines. For example: `val flow = liveData.flowWithLifecycle(lifecycle, Lifecycle.State.STARTED).stateIn(viewModelScope, initialValue = emptyList())`.

Q3: Can I use a MutableList to store the data and output it in Jetpack Compose?

Yes, you can! By using a MutableList to store the data, you can append new lines to the list and then output the entire list in your Composable function. This way, you won’t lose old lines. Just make sure to use `by mutableStateOf()` to create a mutable state that can be observed by Jetpack Compose.

Q4: How do I update the UI in real-time when using LiveData with Jetpack Compose?

To update the UI in real-time, you can use the `observeAsState` or `collectAsState` functions to observe the LiveData or Flow in your Composable function. This way, whenever the data changes, the UI will be updated automatically.

Q5: Are there any performance considerations when using LiveData with Jetpack Compose?

Yes, there are! When using LiveData with Jetpack Compose, you need to be mindful of performance considerations such as avoiding unnecessary recompositions, using pagination or lazy loading, and optimizing your data storage and retrieval. By doing so, you can ensure a smooth and efficient user experience.

Hope this helps!