Firebase Analytics: Demystifying the first_open and session_start Events When Consent is Granted
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Firebase Analytics: Demystifying the first_open and session_start Events When Consent is Granted

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Are you frustrated with Firebase Analytics not sending the first_open and session_start events even after granting consent? Well, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Firebase Analytics and explore the possible reasons behind this issue. By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to troubleshoot and resolve this problem, ensuring your analytics data is accurate and reliable.

What are first_open and session_start Events?

In Firebase Analytics, the first_open and session_start events are crucial in tracking user engagement and behavior. These events are triggered when a user opens your app for the first time or starts a new session, respectively.

first_open Event

The first_open event is fired when a user installs and opens your app for the first time. This event is essential in measuring user acquisition and tracking the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. The first_open event is sent with the following parameters:

        name: 'first_open',
        params: {
            'firebase_previous_instance_state': 'true' || 'false',
            'firebase_screen_id': screen_name,
            'firebase_screen_class': screen_class

session_start Event

The session_start event is triggered when a user starts a new session in your app. This event is vital in tracking user engagement and session duration. The session_start event is sent with the following parameters:

        name: 'session_start',
        params: {
            'engagement_time_msec': engagement_time_msec

There are several reasons why Firebase Analytics might not send the first_open and session_start events even after granting consent. Let’s explore these possible reasons together:

  • Incomplete or Incorrect SDK Implementation

    Make sure you’ve implemented the Firebase SDK correctly in your app. Double-check that you’ve added the necessary dependencies, initialized the Firebase instance, and set up the analytics configuration.

  • Verify that you’ve configured consent correctly in your app. Ensure that you’re using the correct consent API and that the user has granted consent before sending analytics events.

  • Data Collection Disabled

    Check that data collection is enabled in your Firebase project. Go to the Firebase console, navigate to the Analytics settings, and ensure that data collection is turned on.

  • Network Connectivity Issues

    Network connectivity issues can prevent analytics events from being sent. Ensure that your app has a stable internet connection and that the user’s device is not experiencing any network problems.

  • Analytics Configuration Issues

    Review your analytics configuration to ensure that it’s correct. Check that you’ve set up the correct tracking ID, and that the analytics configuration is not overriding the default settings.

Troubleshooting Steps

To troubleshoot the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Verify SDK Implementation

    Review your SDK implementation and ensure that it’s correct. Check the Firebase documentation for the correct implementation guide.

  2. Check Consents

    Verify that the user has granted consent and that consent is properly configured in your app.

  3. Enable Debug Mode

    Enable debug mode in your Firebase project to view real-time analytics events. This will help you identify if the events are being sent or not.

  4. Check Network Connectivity

    Ensure that your app has a stable internet connection and that the user’s device is not experiencing any network problems.

  5. Review Analytics Configuration

    Review your analytics configuration to ensure that it’s correct. Check that you’ve set up the correct tracking ID, and that the analytics configuration is not overriding the default settings.

Best Practices for Implementing Firebase Analytics

To ensure accurate and reliable analytics data, follow these best practices:

  • Implement the Latest SDK Version

    Always use the latest version of the Firebase SDK to ensure that you have the latest features and bug fixes.

  • Configure Consents Correctly

    Implement consents correctly in your app to ensure that users are informed and have control over their data.

  • Test Analytics Events

    Test analytics events in your app to ensure that they’re being sent correctly.

  • Use Debug Mode

    Use debug mode to view real-time analytics events and identify any issues.

  • Regularly Review Analytics Configuration

    Regularly review your analytics configuration to ensure that it’s correct and up-to-date.


In conclusion, the first_open and session_start events are crucial in tracking user engagement and behavior in Firebase Analytics. By following the troubleshooting steps and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to identify and resolve issues related to these events not being sent when consent is granted. Remember to always implement the latest SDK version, configure consents correctly, test analytics events, use debug mode, and regularly review analytics configuration.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to ensure accurate and reliable analytics data, which is essential for making informed decisions about your app’s development and growth.

Event Description Parameters
first_open Fired when a user opens the app for the first time
  • firebase_previous_instance_state
  • firebase_screen_id
  • firebase_screen_class
session_start Fired when a user starts a new session
  • engagement_time_msec

By the end of this article, you should have a clear understanding of the first_open and session_start events, the possible reasons why they might not be sent when consent is granted, and the steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on Firebase Analytics first_open and session_start events not sending when consent is granted.

Why aren’t first_open and session_start events sent when I grant consent in Firebase Analytics?

When you grant consent, Firebase Analytics doesn’t automatically send first_open and session_start events. This is because these events are only triggered when the app is launched for the first time or when a new session starts, respectively. Consent is not directly related to these events, so they won’t be sent just because you’ve granted consent. However, you can manually log these events using the Firebase Analytics SDK.

Is there a way to detect when a user grants consent to track their analytics data?

Yes, you can detect when a user grants consent by setting a flag or a callback function that gets triggered when consent is granted. This way, you can manually log the first_open and session_start events, or any other events that are relevant to your app, after the user has given their consent.

Can I use Firebase Analytics’ default implementation for consent tracking?

Yes, Firebase Analytics provides a default implementation for consent tracking, which includes a consent dialog and automatic tracking of consent grants and revocations. However, this implementation might not cover all your specific use cases, so you might need to customize it or use a third-party library to fit your needs.

How do I log first_open and session_start events manually in Firebase Analytics?

To log first_open and session_start events manually, you need to use the Firebase Analytics SDK and call the respective logEvent methods. For example, in Android, you would use FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(context).logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.FIRST_OPEN, null) and FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(context).logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.SESSION_START, null). Make sure to check the Firebase Analytics documentation for the exact implementation details.

Will Firebase Analytics still track events if the user hasn’t granted consent?

No, if the user hasn’t granted consent, Firebase Analytics won’t track any events, including first_open and session_start. This is because consent is required for tracking and storing analytics data. If you want to track events even before the user grants consent, you’ll need to implement a custom solution that temporarily stores the events and sends them to Firebase Analytics once consent is granted.

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