The Mysterious Case of gtk_window_set_titlebar(): Unraveling the Enigma for AdwApplicationWindow
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The Mysterious Case of gtk_window_set_titlebar(): Unraveling the Enigma for AdwApplicationWindow

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Are you tired of encountering the cryptic error message “gtk_window_set_titlebar() is not supported for AdwApplicationWindow” while attempting to customize your AdwApplicationWindow in GTK? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to demystify this conundrum and provide you with a comprehensive guide to overcome this obstacle.

What is gtk_window_set_titlebar() and why is it not supported?

gtk_window_set_titlebar() is a function in GTK that allows you to set a custom titlebar for a GtkWindow. However, when you try to use this function with an AdwApplicationWindow, you’ll encounter the aforementioned error message. But why is that?

The reason lies in the fact that AdwApplicationWindow is a specialized window type that’s part of the Adwaita library, which is designed to provide a modern, GTK-based application framework. AdwApplicationWindow has its own built-in titlebar, which is an integral part of its design. As a result, attempting to set a custom titlebar using gtk_window_set_titlebar() is not supported, and will only lead to frustration and disappointment.

But I still want a custom titlebar! What are my options?

Fret not, dear developer! While gtk_window_set_titlebar() might not be an option, there are still ways to customize your AdwApplicationWindow’s titlebar. Here are a few alternatives you can explore:

  • Use a GtkHeaderBar: You can create a custom GtkHeaderBar and set it as the titlebar for your AdwApplicationWindow using the adw_application_window_set_titlebar() function. This will allow you to customize the titlebar to your heart’s content.
  • Create a custom titlebar widget: You can design and implement a custom titlebar widget using GTK’s widget hierarchy. This will require more effort, but gives you ultimate control over the titlebar’s appearance and behavior.
  • Use a third-party library: There are several third-party libraries available that provide customizable titlebars for GTK applications. You can explore these options to find one that suits your needs.

Example Code: Using a GtkHeaderBar as a Custom Titlebar

#include <adwaita.h>

int main() {
  // Create an AdwApplicationWindow
  AdwApplicationWindow *window = adw_application_window_new();
  // Create a GtkHeaderBar
  GtkHeaderBar *header_bar = GTK_HEADER_BAR(gtk_header_bar_new());
  // Set the titlebar for the AdwApplicationWindow
  adw_application_window_set_titlebar(window, GTK_WIDGET(header_bar));
  // Customize the GtkHeaderBar as needed
  gtk_header_bar_set_title(GTK_HEADER_BAR(header_bar), "Custom Titlebar");
  gtk_header_bar_set_subtitle(GTK_HEADER_BAR(header_bar), "Subtitle");
  // Show the window and run the GTK main loop
  return 0;

Troubleshooting Common Issues

As you venture into the world of custom titlebars, you might encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome them:

Issue Solution
GtkHeaderBar not showing up Verify that you’ve called gtk_widget_show() on the GtkHeaderBar widget
Custom titlebar not responding to events Make sure you’ve connected the necessary signals and handlers to the GtkHeaderBar widget
Titlebar not resizing correctly Check that you’ve set the correct size request and alignment for the GtkHeaderBar widget

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you better understand the nuances of gtk_window_set_titlebar() and AdwApplicationWindow:

  1. Q: Can I use gtk_window_set_titlebar() with a GtkWindow?

    A: Yes, gtk_window_set_titlebar() is supported for GtkWindow. However, it’s not recommended to use it with AdwApplicationWindow.

  2. Q: Is AdwApplicationWindow compatible with gtk_window_set_titlebar()?

    A: No, AdwApplicationWindow does not support gtk_window_set_titlebar(). You should use adw_application_window_set_titlebar() instead.

  3. Q: Can I use a GtkHeaderBar with a GtkWindow?

    A: Yes, you can use a GtkHeaderBar with a GtkWindow. However, you’ll need to set it as the titlebar using gtk_window_set_titlebar() instead of adw_application_window_set_titlebar().


In conclusion, while gtk_window_set_titlebar() might not be supported for AdwApplicationWindow, there are still ways to customize your titlebar using GtkHeaderBar or other alternatives. By following the guidelines and examples provided in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning, modern applications with GTK.

Remember, when it comes to GTK development, the key to success lies in understanding the intricacies of each widget and function. With patience, persistence, and practice, you’ll unlock the full potential of GTK and create applications that delight users.

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with gtk_window_set_titlebar() and AdwApplicationWindow? Here are some common questions and answers to get you back on track!

Why is gtk_window_set_titlebar() not supported for AdwApplicationWindow?

AdwApplicationWindow is a custom window class designed for GNOME applications, and it has its own way of handling titlebars. gtk_window_set_titlebar() is a function from the GTK library that is not compatible with AdwApplicationWindow. Instead, you should use AdwApplicationWindow’s built-in titlebar features.

What is the alternative to gtk_window_set_titlebar() for AdwApplicationWindow?

You can use AdwApplicationWindow’s built-in titlebar features, such as adw_application_window_set_titlebar() or adw_application_window_set_header_bar(), to customize the titlebar of your application window.

Why was gtk_window_set_titlebar() not deprecated for AdwApplicationWindow?

The gtk_window_set_titlebar() function was not deprecated for AdwApplicationWindow because it is still useful for other types of GTK windows. However, when using AdwApplicationWindow, you should be aware that this function will not work as expected.

How do I customize the titlebar of my AdwApplicationWindow?

You can customize the titlebar of your AdwApplicationWindow by using various functions and properties provided by AdwApplicationWindow, such as adw_application_window_set_title(), adw_application_window_set_subtitle(), and adw_application_window_set_header_bar(). You can also use CSS to style the titlebar.

Are there any workarounds to use gtk_window_set_titlebar() with AdwApplicationWindow?

While there are no official workarounds to use gtk_window_set_titlebar() with AdwApplicationWindow, you can try using a GTK window instead of AdwApplicationWindow, or create a custom titlebar widget and add it to your AdwApplicationWindow. However, these approaches may not be recommended as they can lead to inconsistencies and compatibility issues.