Why am I getting a frame-ancestor error when trying to use Amazon Connect Streams?
Image by Wileen - hkhazo.biz.id

Why am I getting a frame-ancestor error when trying to use Amazon Connect Streams?

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Are you trying to integrate Amazon Connect Streams into your website, but getting stuck with a pesky frame-ancestor error? You’re not alone! Many developers have encountered this frustrating issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solution.

What is a frame-ancestor error, anyway?

A frame-ancestor error occurs when a web page tries to access or manipulate content within an iframe that is not allowed by the iframe’s parent page. This is a security feature implemented by modern browsers to prevent malicious scripts from hijacking your website.

Why does Amazon Connect Streams trigger this error?

Amazon Connect Streams uses iframes to render its UI components, such as the contact control panel, within your website. When you try to embed Streams into your page, the iframe attempts to access the parent page’s content, which triggers the frame-ancestor error.

But why does this happen?

There are a few reasons why you might encounter this error:

  • Same-origin policy: The iframe is trying to access content from a different origin (domain, protocol, or port) than the parent page.
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS): The iframe is trying to inject malicious scripts into the parent page.
  • Content Security Policy (CSP): The parent page has a CSP that restricts the types of content that can be loaded within the iframe.

Solution 1: Allow Amazon Connect Streams in your Content Security Policy

If you have a Content Security Policy (CSP) in place, you might need to add Amazon Connect Streams to the list of allowed sources. You can do this by adding the following directive to your CSP:

frame-ancestors https://*.amazonconnect.com;

This tells the browser to allow iframes from Amazon Connect Streams to access your page.

Solution 2: Use the ‘allow-ancestors’ attribute

If you can’t modify your CSP, you can use the ‘allow-ancestors’ attribute on the iframe element to specify which ancestors are allowed to access the iframe’s content.

<iframe src="https://example.amazonconnect.com" allow-ancestors="https://example.com"></iframe>

In this example, the iframe is allowed to access content from the https://example.com domain.

Solution 3: Use a proxy server or reverse proxy

If the above solutions don’t work for you, you can set up a proxy server or reverse proxy to handle the communication between your website and Amazon Connect Streams. This will allow the iframe to communicate with your website without violating the same-origin policy.

Here’s an example of how you can set up a reverse proxy using NGINX:

http {
    upstream amazonconnect {
        server example.amazonconnect.com;

    server {
        listen 80;
        server_name example.com;

        location /amazonconnect {
            proxy_pass http://amazonconnect;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

Solution 4: Use an Amazon Connect Streams SDK

Instead of using iframes, you can use an Amazon Connect Streams SDK to integrate Streams into your website. This approach allows you to access Streams functionality without violating the same-origin policy.

For example, you can use the Amazon Connect Streams JavaScript SDK to create a contact control panel:

  const streams = new AmazonConnectStreams({
    region: 'your-region',
    contactId: 'your-contact-id',

    container: document.getElementById('contact-control-panel'),


There you have it, folks! With these solutions, you should be able to overcome the frame-ancestor error and successfully integrate Amazon Connect Streams into your website. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your use case, and don’t hesitate to reach out to Amazon Web Services support if you need further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
What is the impact of the frame-ancestor error on my website? The error prevents Amazon Connect Streams from functioning properly, which may affect your website’s user experience and functionality.
Can I use Amazon Connect Streams with other cloud providers? Yes, Amazon Connect Streams is a cloud-agnostic service that can be used with other cloud providers, as long as you follow the necessary security guidelines.
Is Amazon Connect Streams compatible with all browsers? Amazon Connect Streams is compatible with modern browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. However, older browsers may not support the necessary security features.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in resolving the frame-ancestor error when using Amazon Connect Streams. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you frustrated with the pesky frame-ancestor error when trying to use Amazon Connect Streams? Worry no more! We’ve got the answers to your burning questions.

Why am I getting a frame-ancestor error when trying to use Amazon Connect Streams?

This error occurs when the Amazon Connect Streams script is not allowed to be loaded in an iframe due to Content Security Policy (CSP) restrictions. To fix this, ensure that the ‘frame-ancestors’ directive in your CSP policy allows the loading of the script in an iframe.

How do I add the frame-ancestors directive to my Content Security Policy?

You can add the ‘frame-ancestors’ directive to your CSP policy by including the following code in your HTML header: <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="frame-ancestors https://*.amazonconnect.com">. This allows the loading of the Amazon Connect Streams script in an iframe from the specified domain.

What if I’m still getting the frame-ancestor error after adding the CSP directive?

Double-check that you’ve added the correct domain to the ‘frame-ancestors’ directive. Also, ensure that there are no other CSP policies overriding the one you’ve added. If you’re still stuck, try checking your browser’s developer console for more detailed error messages.

Can I use Amazon Connect Streams without an iframe?

Yes, you can use Amazon Connect Streams without an iframe by using the ‘parent’ option when initializing the Streams API. This allows you to render the Streams UI directly in your parent page, bypassing the need for an iframe.

What are the implications of using the ‘parent’ option with Amazon Connect Streams?

Using the ‘parent’ option can impact the layout and styling of your application, as the Streams UI will be rendered directly in your parent page. Be sure to test your application thoroughly to ensure that the layout and functionality meet your requirements.